Dec 1st
Jan 9th
Welcome Candy
Welcome Candy (Photo: Sweet by NAKED)


Fantasy come true

Jessica Lin   - 1 min read
Lieu : Omotesando Hills Date : Dec 1st - Jan 9th 2016, 11:00am - 9:00pm

Enter the magical world of sweets, where you’ll find images of Paris and New York streets such as neon signs of colourful candies, pavements made of brownie stones, and lamp posts of honey.

SWEETS by NAKED, a creative unit with numerous of collaborative projects collaborated with eight popular brands from home and abroad. Brands include Hugo & Victor, Ben & Jerry's, KuKuRuZa, Les Abeilles, Côte Cour, Magnolia Bakery, Chocolat Boutique du ROYAL L’eclat, Papabubble. Through various mediums of state-of-the-art technology—like 3D computer graphics, projection mappings with real 4K projectors (world’s smallest manufactured by Canon)—not to mention real sweets and artworks, NAKED will present an idyllic world of sweets.

Note: Prices vary, and are cheaper if purchased beforehand.

Jessica  Lin

Jessica Lin @jessica.lin

instagram: jessxlin