Known for its academic blessings, Kitano Tenmangu is a Shinto shrine in Kyoto’s Kamigyo ward that is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, an influential scholar and politician. The shrine was built in 947 AD and is Japan’s first shrine to enshrine an actual person as a deity. Although there are numerous shrines throughout Japan dedicated to Michizane who is mainly known as a god of academics, Kitano Tenmangu is the original one.
The massive Ro-mon Gate stands as the border between the city and the shrine grounds. This wooden structure, detailed with gold-and-wooden carvings, serves as an introduction to the architectural mastery ahead. Upon entering, it is customary to go to the chozuya and perform a hand-cleansing ritual. After you complete the ritual, explore the shrine’s tranquil grounds.
À environ 3.5km